Monday, February 22, 2010

My favorite queotes......

"No man who worships education has got the best out of education.... Without a gentle contempt for education no man's education is complete(G.K,Chesterton)."

"Leadership is based on a spiritual quality; the power to inspire, the power to inspire others to follow(Lombardi,Vince)."

"Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart! Else it may be their miserable fortune, when some mightier touch than their own may have awakened all her sensibilities, to be reproached even for the calm content, the marble image of happiness, which they will have imposed upon her as the warm reality(Hawthorne,Nathaniel)."

"In a profound sense every man has two halves to his being; he is not one person so much as two persons trying to act in unison. I believe that in the heart of each human being there is something which I can only describe as a "child of darkness" who is equal and complementary to the more obvious "child of light."( Van der Post,Laurens)."

                                                                "If you want to be happy, be.(Tolstoy.Leo)."

"Some men know that a light touch of the tongue, running from a woman's toes to her ears, lingering in the softest way possible in various places in between, given often enough and sincerely enough, would add immeasurably to world peace(Williamson, Marianne) "A Woman's Worth"

                        " Lips that taste of tears, they say,

                                      Are the best for kissing

                                                   ( Parker,Dorothy)."

"When you're in love you never really know whether your elation comes from the qualities of the one you love, or if it attributes them to her; whether the light which surrounds her like a halo comes from you, from her, or from the meeting of your sparks(Clifford Barney,Natalie)"

"Whats up(San juan,Edgar,2010)."

"Perhaps all pleasure is only relief( Burroughs,William)."

Monday, February 8, 2010

**breast cancer**

I've seen people die,cry,look like their in pain I asked myself what if that was me? I don't think i would understand why. i would cry and die very slowly a long but short death being forced to cut one of my breast off.... GONE... As a child i never understood why my grandmother looked sicker and sicker everyday every moment in life she was in pain wakeing up late nights crying screaming ... I remeber it like it was yesterday she always prayed that she could see us all get older and in high school. she was waiting on me I was the baby as I hit my freshmen year the cancer hit her hard spreading through her body fast killing her life getting shorter. No time left. A week before her death i went on the cancer walk knowing it would make her the happiest person in the world. she died that next week leaving behind grandchildren, sons,daughters,and friends. this touched me to see how many people care and try to do something about this this gives me hope fo the next person.

Friday, February 5, 2010

There's Always Hope

Can you see it? that light in her it shines so bright so bright that you would never think would show. I mean look at her her life style. She's hurting bad her mom is strung out on drugs she never got to meet her father she move from house to house trying to cope with this life. You can never tell. Her favorite thing to say is "let your light so shine" as it reads from the bible. Never letting anything get her down. she said she's seeking something. Something being her love for Jesus Christ to be stornger than ever so she dont look at the negitive things just that light that peeks through the tunnel.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Every morning at the same time a beautiful glow awakens me.

Somthing so beautiful the human mind could never think to create.

I awake every morning, to pray to its beauty another day.

Monday, February 1, 2010




You can say all you want.... the way i feel will remain the same. The words Bitch,Ugly,and Black don't mean a damn thing. cuz i turn those word into something positive. Bitch.... hahahaha No sweetie im just real. N that color.... Black ... wow that's pushing it jus alil.... as bad as you want me to get mad. I ain't im be real with you that word means BEAUTIFUL. and that's what i am . i mean i can't help it just look at me haha. That last word Ugly... OUCH that i got to say hurt pretty bad but good thing I'm my own person and don't listing to any negative thing anyone tells me.... Because I am a BEAUTIFUL,INDEPENDENT,YOUNG AFRICAN AMERICAN LADY....