My Sophomore Year
My Sophomore Year was the best year I had I came in from being a freshman or “fresh meat” to the upper classmen to incoming freshmen. I thought to myself “its only going to be another year nothing special just another school year.” I found out I was wrong. Everything was newer than last year. There were was more responsibility people were looking up to us.
I came to find out that I had to be a good roll model for the freshmen that came in. and then they can show the same to the year after. I learned that being the first on campus it give you a high look. “Like look I’m going to be the first to graduate from Atrisco Heritage Academy.” Even if people never heard of it.
This school has thought me that our team don’t have to be the biggest and badest but that our education matter way more. I believe deep deep deep down in my heart our principal Karen G. is and always be a fearless leader of our pack. I’m still in a daze because my sophomore year is over. Awe… sad face :(. This school has open so many doors for me I am now registered as a National scalars program I really don’t think I could of accomplished that with out this school.

Mr. Leh rocks I believe that he was the only teacher (beside Mrs. Vegara) who pushed me hard and harder so they can see me archive my goal in life. Mr. Leh came in and he made me want to learn new things. All my life I didn’t know any of the Latin root words. And learn about Julius Cesar… man I got extra excited. I LOVED it. I do hope that I get him again next year.
I hate that the year is over but its time so say good bye and look forward to next year.
Class of “2012” Baby!!!