Thursday, December 9, 2010

Assignment #20: My Christmas Story

Truly our Claus had wisdom, for his good fortune but strengthened his resolve to befriend the little ones of his own race. He knew his plan was approved by the immortals, else they would not have favored him so greatly.

So he began at once to make acquaintance with mankind. He walked through the Valley to the plain beyond, and crossed the plain in many directions to reach the abodes of men. These stood singly or in groups of dwellings called villages, and in nearly all the houses, whether big or little, Claus found children.

The youngsters soon came to know his merry, laughing face and the kind glance of his bright eyes; and the parents, while they regarded the young man with some scorn for loving children more than their elders, were content that the girls and boys had found a playfellow who seemed willing to amuse them.

So the children romped and played games with Claus, and the boys rode upon his shoulders, and the girls nestled in his strong arms, and the babies clung fondly to his knees. Wherever the young man chanced to be, the sound of childish laughter followed him; and to understand this better you must know that children were much neglected in those days and received little attention from their parents, so that it became to them a marvel that so goodly a man as Claus devoted his time to making them happy. And those who knew him were, you may be sure, very happy indeed. The sad faces of the poor and abused grew bright for once; the cripple smiled despite his misfortune; the ailing ones hushed their moans and the grieved ones their cries when their merry friend came nigh to comfort them.

Only at the beautiful palace of the Lord of Lerd and at the frowning castle of the Baron Braun was Claus refused admittance. There were children at both places; but the servants at the palace shut the door in the young stranger's face, and the fierce Baron threatened to hang him from an iron hook on the castle walls. Whereupon Claus sighed and went back to the poorer dwellings where he was welcome.

After a time the winter drew near.

The flowers lived out their lives and faded and disappeared; the beetles burrowed far into the warm earth; the butterflies deserted the meadows; and the voice of the brook grew hoarse, as if it had taken cold.

One day snowflakes filled all the air in the Laughing Valley, dancing boisterously toward the earth and clothing in pure white raiment the roof of Claus's dwelling.

At night Jack Frost rapped at the door.

"Come in!" cried Claus.

"Come out!" answered Jack, "for you have a fire inside."

So Claus came out. He had known Jack Frost in the Forest, and liked the jolly rogue, even while he mistrusted him.

"There will be rare sport for me to-night, Claus!" shouted the sprite. "Isn't this glorious weather? I shall nip scores of noses and ears and toes before daybreak."

"If you love me, Jack, spare the children," begged Claus.

"And why?" asked the other, in surprise.
"They are tender and helpless," answered Claus.
"But I love to nip the tender ones!" declared Jack. "The older ones are tough, and tire my fingers."
"The young ones are weak, and can not fight you," said Claus
"True," agreed Jack, thoughtfully. "Well, I will not pinch a child this night--if I can resist the temptation," he promised. "Good night, Claus!"
"Good night." The young man went in and closed the door, and Jack Frost ran on to the nearest village.
Claus threw a log on the fire, which burned up brightly. Beside the hearth sat Blinkie, a big cat give him by Peter the Knook. Her fur was soft and glossy, and she purred never-ending songs of contentment.
"I shall not see the children again soon," said Claus to the cat, who kindly paused in her song to listen. "The winter is upon us, the snow will be deep for many days, and I shall be unable to play with my little friends."
The cat raised a paw and stroked her nose thoughtfully, but made no reply. So long as the fire burned and Claus sat in his easy chair by the hearth she did not mind the weather.
So passed many days and many long evenings. The cupboard was always full, but Claus became weary with having nothing to do more than to feed the fire from the big wood-pile the Knooks had brought him.

One evening he picked up a stick of wood and began to cut it with his sharp knife. He had no thought, at first, except to occupy his time, and he whistled and sang to the cat as he carved away portions of the stick. Puss sat up on her haunches and watched him, listening at the same time to her master's merry whistle, which she loved to hear even more than her own purring songs.

Claus glanced at puss and then at the stick he was whittling, until presently the wood began to have a shape, and the shape was like the head of a cat, with two ears sticking upward.
Claus stopped whistling to laugh, and then both he and the cat looked at the wooden image in some surprise. Then he carved out the eyes and the nose, and rounded the lower part of the head so that it rested upon a neck.
Puss hardly knew what to make of it now, and sat up stiffly, as if watching with some suspicion what would come next.
Claus knew. The head gave him an idea. He plied his knife carefully and with skill, forming slowly the body of the cat, which he made to sit upon its haunches as the real cat did, with her tail wound around her two front legs.

The work cost him much time, but the evening was long and he had nothing better to do. Finally he gave a loud and delighted laugh at the result of his labors and placed the wooden cat, now completed, upon the hearth opposite the real one.
Puss thereupon glared at her image, raised her hair in anger, and uttered a defiant mew. The wooden cat paid no attention, and Claus, much amused, laughed again.

Then Blinkie advanced toward the wooden image to eye it closely and smell of it intelligently: Eyes and nose told her the creature was wood, in spite of its natural appearance; so puss resumed her seat and her purring, but as she neatly washed her face with her padded paw she cast more than one admiring glance at her clever master. Perhaps she felt the same satisfaction we feel when we look upon good photographs of ourselves.

The cat's master was himself pleased with his handiwork, without knowing exactly why. Indeed, he had great cause to congratulate himself that night, and all the children throughout the world should have joined him rejoicing. For Claus had made his first toy

Sunday, November 7, 2010


How a friendship is lost
What happened to that smile
When I'd see you in the hall?
What happened to you being there
To always catch my fall?
When I'd say always and forever
You'd respond with "Dats right"
What happened to that?
I want it back in my life
What happened to the hugs
That kept me from falling apart
You're no longer there
And it's tearing up my heart
Your pictures all around my room
The blanket on my bed
Tons of notes inside a box
Thoughts of you race through my head
You're presence always with me
Your voice rings through my ears
memories of you are shed
In the form of blood and tears
I wonder how you lose a friend
But deep inside I know
One is left there holding on
And the other one let's go
this may not sem as if it makes sencebut i get out of this is if she never would of too friendship for granted she would of never lost everything.

ass. 9

I'm back again scrutinizing the Milky Way
of your ultrasound, scanning the dark
matter, the nothingness, that now the heads say
is chockablock with quarks & squarks,
gravitons & gravitini, photons & photinos. Our sprout,

who art there inside the spacecraft
of your Ma, the time capsule of this printout,
hurling & whirling towards us, it's all daft
on this earth. Our alien who art in the heavens,
our Martian, our little green man, we're anxious

to make contact, to ask divers questions
about the heavendom you hail from, to discuss
the whole shebang of the beginning&end,
the pre–big bang untime before you forget the why
and lie of thy first place. And, our friend,

to say Welcome, that we mean no harm, we'd die
for you even, that we pray you’re not here
to subdue us, that we’d put away
our ray guns, missiles, attitude and share
our world with you, little big head, if only you stay
What would you do if an Alien landed in the playground?
Would you stand there shouting, ‘Teacher, teacher!
Please Sir, please Miss,
There’s this great big thing with wobbly eyes and six pink legs, Sir!’

Or would you stand still and stare,
And maybe poke at it a bit with sticks
And throw a ball in its mouth,
Or perhaps push Shorty or Fatso or Snotty forwards
To see if they got eaten ?

Imagine if the teacher came out instead and shouted,
‘Oy! You there! You with the six legs! Yes, YOU!
Get back where you came from NOW!

What do you think it would do ?
Would it sit there, humming,
Before gently lifting off and floating away back into space ?

Or would it stick a long tendril out,
Wrap it around Teacher,
And suck Teacher back into its mouth?

‘Yum, yum!’ it might go,
And you’d all cheer, and laugh,
And maybe one or two of the girls would cry
Because Teacher was really quite nice, after all.

Or perhaps the Alien would open wide a wobbly eye,
Shoot a long, lazy glare,
And then raise two tendrils in a V-shape
Before blowing a big raspberry?

Well, what would YOU do if you were an Alien
Landing in the playground ?

I know what I would do.

I wouldn’t stay THERE!

Friday, November 5, 2010

ass. 10

I call it a lesson learned at in my life I was bullied was in the 5th grade and it was because I had a great heart. I was always giving and offering my time to help and things. And I get kicked and tossed around like there is no tomorrow. Sometime I wondered why when everyday at school I get there and be called names that scared me deeply. Then theres the days I really didn’t care I had gotton so ued to it it really didn’t faze me my mother and father tried to stop it I can hear them in the office and explain how they thought it was wrong for their daughter to be called names . like “Blacky”, “Ugly” ect. I remember the days coming home crying my eyes out mama saying its gone be okay don’t cry your beautiful and as long as you love yourself that’s all that counts that sterred up anger in me till oneday i got fed up with it and became a bully.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Can you see it? that light in her it shines so bright so bright that you would never think would show. I mean look at her her life style. She's hurting bad her mom is strung out on drugs she never got to meet her father she move from house to house trying to cope with this life. You can never tell. Her favorite thing to say is "let your light so shine" as it reads from the bible. Never letting anything get her down. she said she's seeking something. Something being her love for Jesus Christ to be stornger than ever so she dont look at the negitive things just that light that peeks through the tunnel. like 2 pac wrote i always belive there is away through thae tunnel like the concret rose


I don't like halloween its not celebrated in my home
Growing up not celebrating it makes me hate it more than ever
Im very glade its not celebrated in my family because i hate demonic things.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

ASS.7a great qutoe

Jealousy, a common emotion but still such a strong emotion. Washington Irving once wrote "There is never jealousy where there is not strong regard." Just how often is that statement really true? During my seventeen years of life, I have experienced Jealousy many times. As a child or adult we all have to deal with jealousy occasionally but the occasion that sticks out the most would have to be as a child and having a friend get something new that I didn't have. I would want it so bad I would do anything to get it. There is more in us than we know. If we can be made to see it, perhaps, for the rest of our lives, we will be unwilling to settle for less."Kurt Hahn" that’s when i have to remember self value. That’s how I got my quote I know that if you value your self and not try to be something your not then things would be okay “BE WHO YOU ARE BECAUSE WHO YOU ARE HA VALUE.” to love myself the way I  am that’s  something I was always taught. Then I think why be jealous it don’t mean any thing but trouble. Jealousy is nothing but a sick emotion that you can prevent if you CHOOSE! Self value(the beautiful word) its like having self respect for yourself. The Word value means    relative worth, merit, or importance put self in front of it is very self-explanatory

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Im A Rollercoaster..


The only requirement of a big Dream is having YOU in it.
Its going up and down and up and down, around, it stops... starts all over again.
I get off i shake everything off. pursuit my dream nothing is to stop me.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Sophomore Year.

My Sophomore Year

My Sophomore Year was the best year I had I came in from being a freshman or “fresh meat” to the upper classmen to incoming freshmen. I thought to myself “its only going to be another year nothing special just another school year.” I found out I was wrong. Everything was newer than last year. There were was more responsibility people were looking up to us.

I came to find out that I had to be a good roll model for the freshmen that came in. and then they can show the same to the year after. I learned that being the first on campus it give you a high look. “Like look I’m going to be the first to graduate from Atrisco Heritage Academy.” Even if people never heard of it.

This school has thought me that our team don’t have to be the biggest and badest but that our education matter way more. I believe deep deep deep down in my heart our principal Karen G. is and always be a fearless leader of our pack. I’m still in a daze because my sophomore year is over. Awe… sad face :(. This school has open so many doors for me I am now registered as a National scalars program I really don’t think I could of accomplished that with out this school.

Another thing that got me through this year is my F.R.I.E.N.D.S. who I love so… much. My friends kept me going when I just wanted to give up. They lead me to no that giving up is no the answer. The gave me something to wake up and come to school for. I love it because when I needed them they was always there. Now it’s the end of the year and I’m going to miss them.


Mr. Leh rocks I believe that he was the only teacher (beside Mrs. Vegara) who pushed me hard and harder so they can see me archive my goal in life. Mr. Leh came in and he made me want to learn new things. All my life I didn’t know any of the Latin root words. And learn about Julius Cesar… man I got extra excited. I LOVED it. I do hope that I get him again next year.

I hate that the year is over but its time so say good bye and look forward to next year.

Class of “2012” Baby!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I never danced so I never knew,
The effort it takes to make something new.
The effort it takes to follow and lead.
When to attack and when to concede.
The burning desire is deep in my heart.
To dance with the beauty who tears me apart.
To dance to the music that rings in my ears,
I can’t wait to dance and dispel all my fears.
The art is to feel before you can move.
To feel with the soul and get in the groove.
The art of the dance must have passion and heat.
Only then you can think of adjusting your feet.
With the music uniting each fall and each rise,
We’ll drift through the noise and speak only with eyes.
The volumes of words will exist in each glance,
And you’ll be the star that had granted this dance.
Dancing is courage and dancing is fear.
United in one like a beautiful sphere.
Dancing is passion and dancing is hate.
Dancing is living, and dancing is fate.

Monday, May 10, 2010

"Beauty is something to cherish, so don't take advantage of it"

I have learned out of my sixteen years of life that beauty is something to cherish  but I'm not talking bout beauty on the outside but on the inside because the beauty on the inside to me counts way more than the outside I learned that what people look at its what your personality . I learned from past that the people that I hung out with love the way they look on the outside and it caused people to look at them in a ugly way and it was like… REALLY?. And it made them feel so insecure about them self and then hated what they looked like foreal this time. I belive that if we jus say so long insecurity .
I know now that looks aint everything .  

Monday, May 3, 2010

If I WeRe YoU FoR A DaY... A BoY I WoUlD....

If I were you for a day I would surely be the best brother in the world. I would never dis my baby sister for some hoe of a girlfriend.  I would take the time out to visit with the family every chance I get.  I would never stay so distant that my kids don’t even know who their grandparents are.  I would sit down and think of shit before I just let it come out.  If I were you for a day I wouldn’t care for the money or the cars, but starting a live that would make other people want to be me.  I would have taken the time out to thank all the people who cared and was there even though I was a ASS HOLE of a person.  And think I would choose to be more out going. Wow something you will never do.

If I were you for a day I would work out and not be lazy.  I would find a reason to call the family to see if everything is going good.  I would make a attempt to eat healthy and stay in shape. People say we look alike but i cant' tell ha.   I would never walk around thinking i got some type of good swag... or whatever you call it.

I think if I was you I would go crazy as hell trying to fit in. I love you to death but this what I would change about you because I don't think you understand how you really are.You are my big bro there for I can say these things. Look at this picture we look so happy why cant this be a everyday thing? That's why I want to be you so I can make it that way 

Friday, April 16, 2010

"When the wine goes in, strange things come out"(Unknown.)
I was about four years old you made that promise you said it wont happen many times before I heard you tell me “Baby Girl YOU AINT GOT TA WORRY BOUT ME“ I stay up late nights hoping you come home sooner than you usually do. But my luck for that is zero to none.I hate this shit its keeping me from living the life I always want maybe the way you doing me is how I will do my kids or there kids will do the . I mean I only learn from example. what word can i use to show how Ifeel how you hurt me you cut me so deep that every time I see you its like im opening a old cut and poring salt in it. I ask myself is this really how you want to live life., going on and on and on hoping that the day you don't go to be around drugs or alcohol. Then I start taking second thoughts about wanting to bring kids into this shit hole thing we call L.I.F.E ,When I even think of it all I hear is L-Lies I-Insecurity F-Future that has war E-Eternal hope. I say whats the point 

Monday, April 12, 2010

His Eye Is On The Sparrow lyrics(what i woild of sang if the black berry phones would work)

Why should I feel discouraged

Why should the shadows come
Why should my heart fell lonely
And long for heaven and home
When Jesus is my portion
A constant friend is he
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches over me
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches me
I sing because I'm happy
I sing because I'm free
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches
He watches me
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches
I know he watches over me
I know he watches me
I sing because I'm happy
I sing because I'm free
His eye is on the sparrow 
And I know he watches me
He watches me
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know he watches me
He watches me
He watches me, I never thought...
He watches me

Monday, April 5, 2010

To: My Beautiful Granddaughter,
A story of my life,it all started in e Lovelace hospital in room 224 a baby of almost 10lb was born to parents Lonnie and Suzanne Teasley in a city called Albuquerque. i was a pretty chill baby,didn't cry that the years went by I got older the age of 2 I said my first word "Why!". That word stayed with me all my life. Some years went by and I found myself in Kindergarten being a leader,everyone loved me never did I have to do much for my self. I remember as the years went by I was always a leader never a follower. as i hit the 5th grade year it was fun people looked up to me never down, for being in the fifth grade I had strong expectations no only from myself but others. I got honor roll all the time, also perfect attendance. Middle School wow somewhat ruff it went okay.

I enjoyed walking in the park I'm very athletic I spent most of  my days at school or my mothers job giving my time to the Homeless,Drug Addicted,Alcoholics.At the Albuquerque Rescue Mission Women Center Of Hope(W.C.O.H). Staying there late nights praying and holding bible studies. I was youth leader at my church,preaching the gospel of my lord and savior is what I did best. I found out living the life of a Christan  and a teenager was very hard. but I managed to get through. I was brought up to speak two languages             


I'm going to start off by saying i never really looked into my family history, When I set down with my dad he gave me some ideas but I never payed any attention to it. I asked my dad what all do we have in the family, like culture he told me I quote "A'leeah you have so many different cultures in you,Native American, Black(African American) , Puertorican. Now I am proud to say I love who I am I learn that our tradition is for the past 3 generations you name the girls with A's and the boys with J's I never noticed but that really neat and I will carryout the tradition so will my kids...:)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wow.... what fun I would have if I had made a time machine.. Ha the things I would do, places i would go,people I would love to meet. just the thought of it makes me want to really build one :). I would use it for every time I'd get in trouble. Man that would help me so much. The first place I would want to go is back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and see for myself what it really would be. and just before I get eaten BING! I click the button and I'm GONE like the wind. I really like the intensity :). the second place I would go back back back into time would be the march with Martin Luther King Jr. 

I would love to shake his hand, tell him how much I really appreciate the change that he has made for me my children my childrens  children etc. I'm sure letting him know what he did changed the present and is in full effect. The last place I would like to go is to the future to see how my life turned out good, bad, happy ,sad all the mysteries man... this makes me want a time machine for real:)  

Friday, March 12, 2010

This story has a powerful meaning to it. The meaning I believe it has is knowing kids have a voice in this world "At this, the young man bent down, picked up yet another starfish, and threw it into the ocean. As it met the water, he said, "I made a difference to that one!" To me knowing that the young man made a difference within that one little star fish make me smile. This makes me think back on a time in my life not too long ago , I really wanted to save any and every killer whale because people thought it was okay just to kill them I always wondered how I can help them, I looked on the internet, newspaper, a lot more . Then I came into Mr. Lehs class and he showed us “”. Knowing I put my name on that site, things for that next whale can be better.

I’m so glad that we have people in this world that makes us want to speak out, step up to the plate with no hesitation. It makes me want to express myself way more.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Safe Sex....

"Safe sex is great sex so use a latex" Lil wayne. 

It's disturbing that a quarter of young people aged 18-29 believe that doubling up on condoms which I just learned is called "double-bagging" works better. What do you think?

"Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. And lo, no one was there”. Author Unknown "The Great Debaters" was a very inspirational movie, a movie that I never would of thought I would like. This movie made me see a side of me I’ve never seen before, I got to see that giving up is not the answer. Also no one can judge me I am who I am. This move has a great impact one anyone’s life who just sit down and tries to grasp it. By watching this movie, believe it or not, I got so much out of it, I encourage who ever hasn’t seen it, to watch it.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The New Colossus

By Emma Lazarus, 1883

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Why are we called the land of the free we're putting up walls keeping people who want to get some where in life out can you tell me why ? cause i can't understand....

¡Qué gran inspiración

a pesar de todo se aprende a acercarse. Día a día damos un paso en un momento sin saber cuál va a suceder mañana. lo largo del día no llorar lágrimas de tristeza sino de alegría becaues el Dios que servimos es mucho mayor.

Monday, February 22, 2010

My favorite queotes......

"No man who worships education has got the best out of education.... Without a gentle contempt for education no man's education is complete(G.K,Chesterton)."

"Leadership is based on a spiritual quality; the power to inspire, the power to inspire others to follow(Lombardi,Vince)."

"Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart! Else it may be their miserable fortune, when some mightier touch than their own may have awakened all her sensibilities, to be reproached even for the calm content, the marble image of happiness, which they will have imposed upon her as the warm reality(Hawthorne,Nathaniel)."

"In a profound sense every man has two halves to his being; he is not one person so much as two persons trying to act in unison. I believe that in the heart of each human being there is something which I can only describe as a "child of darkness" who is equal and complementary to the more obvious "child of light."( Van der Post,Laurens)."

                                                                "If you want to be happy, be.(Tolstoy.Leo)."

"Some men know that a light touch of the tongue, running from a woman's toes to her ears, lingering in the softest way possible in various places in between, given often enough and sincerely enough, would add immeasurably to world peace(Williamson, Marianne) "A Woman's Worth"

                        " Lips that taste of tears, they say,

                                      Are the best for kissing

                                                   ( Parker,Dorothy)."

"When you're in love you never really know whether your elation comes from the qualities of the one you love, or if it attributes them to her; whether the light which surrounds her like a halo comes from you, from her, or from the meeting of your sparks(Clifford Barney,Natalie)"

"Whats up(San juan,Edgar,2010)."

"Perhaps all pleasure is only relief( Burroughs,William)."

Monday, February 8, 2010

**breast cancer**

I've seen people die,cry,look like their in pain I asked myself what if that was me? I don't think i would understand why. i would cry and die very slowly a long but short death being forced to cut one of my breast off.... GONE... As a child i never understood why my grandmother looked sicker and sicker everyday every moment in life she was in pain wakeing up late nights crying screaming ... I remeber it like it was yesterday she always prayed that she could see us all get older and in high school. she was waiting on me I was the baby as I hit my freshmen year the cancer hit her hard spreading through her body fast killing her life getting shorter. No time left. A week before her death i went on the cancer walk knowing it would make her the happiest person in the world. she died that next week leaving behind grandchildren, sons,daughters,and friends. this touched me to see how many people care and try to do something about this this gives me hope fo the next person.

Friday, February 5, 2010

There's Always Hope

Can you see it? that light in her it shines so bright so bright that you would never think would show. I mean look at her her life style. She's hurting bad her mom is strung out on drugs she never got to meet her father she move from house to house trying to cope with this life. You can never tell. Her favorite thing to say is "let your light so shine" as it reads from the bible. Never letting anything get her down. she said she's seeking something. Something being her love for Jesus Christ to be stornger than ever so she dont look at the negitive things just that light that peeks through the tunnel.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Every morning at the same time a beautiful glow awakens me.

Somthing so beautiful the human mind could never think to create.

I awake every morning, to pray to its beauty another day.

Monday, February 1, 2010




You can say all you want.... the way i feel will remain the same. The words Bitch,Ugly,and Black don't mean a damn thing. cuz i turn those word into something positive. Bitch.... hahahaha No sweetie im just real. N that color.... Black ... wow that's pushing it jus alil.... as bad as you want me to get mad. I ain't im be real with you that word means BEAUTIFUL. and that's what i am . i mean i can't help it just look at me haha. That last word Ugly... OUCH that i got to say hurt pretty bad but good thing I'm my own person and don't listing to any negative thing anyone tells me.... Because I am a BEAUTIFUL,INDEPENDENT,YOUNG AFRICAN AMERICAN LADY....